Contact Address:

HG Gallery and Fashion
Banjul area showroom 289 AU Avenue
Brufut Gardens & Heights area
(Opposite the Coral Beach Hotel)
The Gambia
West Africa
Tel no: +220 700 0300
Branches: 1
Creation is an arts and fashion centre and an interior design
company which employs a mix of contemporary and traditional
African designs and styles. Within the centre there is a
souvenir shop and a Gambian art gallery.
The business uses African products and textiles which have
been locally manufactured by hand such as shoes, clothes,
beaded jewellery, purses and associated accessories.
Aside from its own products it also showcases products and
designs from up and coming African artists and designers
HG also arranges exhibitions for African designers and artists
and will arrange educational workshops for citizens to expose
them to the arts and design.