Company Information:
InSIST Global is a software development company that focuses on
business information management systems.
Insist Business Synergy (I.B.S.) is a Business Information
Management and delivery Platform. The aim of this system is to
simplify information access, centralize data archive, and
control information flow. The system is designed as separate
modules that work together to give you an end to end solutions
stack. These modules are designed to facilitate day to day
operations within an organization.
Task Management Module: this module enables employees
and managers to be more organised, productive, and effective
in managing their tasks. When utilized effectively, employee
productivity increases.
Email Management Module: this module boosts communication
within an organization, which eventually increases productivity.
The module is integrated with all of the other modules on
the software. Most importantly, the email management module
is immune to hardware failure. Access your email even if your
workstation fails.
Dynamics Relational Modeling (DRM): this module gives
organizations the option to rapidly deploy and manage any
database that you require necessary, such as employees, customers,
inventory, fixed assets, audits, operations etc.
Document Management & Editing: this module organizes,
stores, secures, and shares data much more efficiently. It
tracks and stores electronic documents and images of paper
documents. Organizations can cut down on paper costs and eventually
move towards a paperless institution.
Calendar Management Module: this module is a powerful
tool to help users track and manage their time and that of
their colleagues. It enables employees to add events such
as, meetings, presentations, workshops, seminars etc.
Contacts Management Module: this module maintains contact
information for organizations. Everything from employees,
customers, and suppliers can be maintained securely and viewed
in context.
