Contact Address:
Village Savings & Credit Association
of Gambia
Visaca Promotion Centre (VPC HQ)
(Brikama Highway)
PO Box 2338, Serrekunda
West Coast Region
The Gambia, West Africa
Tel no: +220 4373012
Branches: 1
The VISACA is the official micro-finance
organisation that represents the network of smaller financial
institutions throughout the Gambia. The grassroots body was
founded in 1988 by French (CIDR) International Centre for
Development & Research & by a
development bank
(Kreditanstalt Fuer Wiederanfbau - KfW).
The project's aim is to encourage autonomous, financial associations
at the village level in order to funnel cash savings at enterprise
loans for villages under their own local area; with the ultimate
with the object of increasing income levels of communities
to improve their standard of living. The promotion centre
for VISACAs also aims to extend the network of VISACA's microfinancing
schemes in partnership with other organizations and to strengthen
their development.
Local Community Areas of Operation:
The Visaca Promotion Centre works with people in the Central
River Region (CRR), Western Region (WR, North Bank Region
(NBR), Lower River Region (LRR) & Upper River Region (URR).
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