Contact Address Details:

Banjul Head office
P.O. Box 6046 Farafenni
North Bank Region The Gambia
West Africa
Tel no: +220 5735524
Fax: +47 64832119
Email: 4hnorge@4h.no
Branches: 1
Close to Farafenni Hospital.
4H Gambia is a rural
youth development and poverty
relief NGO based in the North Bank in Farafenni. It is
the local affiliate of the 4H Norge based in Norway.
The organisation, which was founded in 1987, today has 60 local
clubs and over 200 members with the clubs themselves running the
various charity projects.
4H focuses on rural development schemes aimed at youth living
in villages and towns in the North and South banks and the
Central River Region.
Among its various activities is teaching the young skills
such as livestock rearing, sheep fattening, horticulture,
fishing equipment to fishing associations, book keeping, business
management, batik making among other activities as well as
giving out small enterprise loans aimed at promoting self-employment.