Africa In Democracy & Good Governance (ADG) was established
in Gambia to promote and instil democratic principles and
ideals in society to promote good governance, a free society
and people participation in African countries.
Its future aims are for a continent where human
rights are respected, sound governance and democracy are
grounded on the ideals of equality and justice, a free society
with civil participation.
Aims & Objectives:
• To deliberate with and inspire those in authority, governments,
and society in general to enforce and defend the rule of law
and democratic principles, to guarantee property rights, lives
and to ensure a deep appreciation for people's human rights.
• To advocate and defend for the rights of women in Africa
and urge for ways for enhancing women's education in relation
to their social, economic, cultural and political rights.
Work with relevant institutions to reduce infant mortality
and to promote women's reproductive health rights.
• Lobbing to achieve government reforms.
• Fight against corruption.
• To get involved in issues pertaining to democracy, good
governance and human rights.
• To fight against all types of environmental damage and unsustainable
resource exploitation and to encourage legal protection for
the environment.
• To stimulate public awareness about Malaria, Tuberculosis,
Aids/HIV. Also to advise and run support schemes for People
Living with HIV/Aids (PLWHA) as well as pushing for laws to
ensure their rights
• To recruit and lobby for support to meet the needs of children's
rights and to ensure they are protected under the different
international, regional and national human rights laws and
conventions. The enhance the capacity and build the means
to provide for the social, educational and financial support
of children orphaned by HIV and other diseases.
• To rehabilitate prisoners and to organise awareness programs
for prison officers. To lobby for laws for the rights of detainees
and prisoners and to promote for good standards of detention
facilities and prison governance.
The Africa In Democracy & Good Governance also carries
• Advocacy
• Documentation
• Elections Monitoring and Observation
• Litigation
• Publishing of Windows on Africa Magazine
• Research
• Training
