Contact Address Details:
Agency For The Development of Women & Children
ADWAC Gambia Head Office
North Bank Region
PO Box 828 Banjul
The Gambia, West Africa

Tel no: +220 5720106
9901991 / 9915217
Email: adwac@qanet.gm

Branches: 1
ADWAC Gambia is a registered non-governmental organisation
which was established in 1996. Their main objective is to
increase the capacity of women and children to overcome poverty
in their agricultural communities by utilising a multi-sectoral
Its main areas of community intervention are in food
security, school education,
training of women, healthcare,
information, women's enterprise development, community resources
management, microfinancing
and loans, literacy campaigns and adult

For example in carrying out marketing research for growers
of garden vegetables in Kerewan in 2008 in order to evaluate
the commercial viability of their crops and to formulate appropriate
strategies to overcome hurdles faced by female growers.
As the strategic partner of gorta in Gambia ADWAC has developed
a water storage pond in Njabba Kunda Eco-Zone in the North
Bank. This was followed by a small scale village watershed
management program. A study of the target area was made to
look at water movement which caused erosion and the fast run-off.
This was later scaled up to programs used to increase ground
penetration, tree planting exercises, management of
water transit points to reduce erosion and the development
of gullies.
Over time it is hoped these best practices will create sustainable
agriculture and improve the productivity of the Njabba Kunda
horticultural area as well as the lives of the local villagers.