Contact Address Details:

Banjul area
Kairaba Avenue
(Pipeline Road)
P.O. Box Box 3523, Serrekunda
Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd
The Gambia, West Africa
Tel no: +220 4394310
Project Director:
Sandy Martin
UK Headquarters:
Africa Organics
11c Sussex Beach
Bracklesham Bay
West Sussex
PO20 7JP
The Home Farm Project is an agricultural
charity which was established with the purpose of assisting
rural farming villages to produce sustainable, organic Permaculture
crops, help farming communities and stimulate local employment.
The HFP essentially began as a field trial which created four
market garden
projects for young men in Kiang West area of The Gambia
in West Africa.
The Home Farm Project assists young men who wish to remain
in or return to their home villages to create their own market
gardens to produce basic food for their own consumption and/or
for sale as a cash crop. Plots of land are normally allocated
for free to local people who then produce much wanted fresh
supplies of organic vegetables and fruits for the local market.
Project Aims & Objectives:
• To aid young males to create their own garden farms to produce
food crops.
• To increase the availability of nutritious food to village
• To enhance the status of traditional agrarian skills and
• To train youngsters in essential skills for future, self-reliant
• To sustain, enhance and develop life in rural farming villages.
The HFP agricultural programme provides the creation of land
perimeter fencing, a communal, cement-lined water well, the
installation of a solar water pumps which are driven by electricity
produced from solar panels and water tanks with a distribution
piping systems within the farm plots. Essential crop seeds,
horticultural tools and training are provided for successful
market gardens based on the principles of Permaculture in
The Gambia.
In order to participate in the garden project participants
cannot sell the land, although it remains in their name, and
the allotments must remain for the sole use of food production.
Furthermore, the land cannot be used for the production of
monoculture cash crops. At least 50% of the plots must be
utilised for the growing of steady supplies of a broad range
of organically produced fruits and vegetables. The land owners
would take up permanent residence for themselves and any family
Finally, the Village Development Committee (VDC) is duty bound
to report any violations from the conditions set by the HFP.
