Contact Address:

Banjul area
Kombo North
West Coast Region
& Wiltshire UK
The Gambia, West Africa
Tel no: +220 706 0859
+44 7885 201972
Afrikaya - UK Headquarters
19 Wilcot Village
United Kingdom
Tel no: +44 7885 201 972
Charity Trustee: Geoff Miles
The NGO Afrikaya is a local and UK registered charity that
has built and set up a nursery school in New Yundum, Gambia,
for children in that community. It is regulated by the UK
Charity Commission (No. 1132367) and raises funds from donations
[including child
sponsorship] and by organising fundraising events in the
• To acquire a plot of land for the charity in Gambia, build
the Afrikaya Nursery School for local children aged between
3 and 7 and help with the maintenance of the building. Achieved
in 2011.
• Assist with the development of the administrative staff
and nursery school teaching in order to improve education
for local children.
• Assist with funding of teachers' salaries through child
• Work with the local village community to develop further
educational facilities according to recognised need.
• Create links between primary schools in the UK and the new
nursery school in order to promote cultural and educational
ties between the two countries.
• Champion community, musical and educational links between
the UK and West Africa.
The Afrikaya charity was founded in 2007 with the main aim
of constructing a kindergarten school for impoverished children.
It was registered as an NGO in The Gambia in 2011. The idea
to focus on learning was because Afrikaya believes that the
best way out of their poverty trap is through education.
It all started when
Geoff and Di Miles
visited Yundum for a workshop on drumming and met an impressive
man named
Kebba Jaina.
Worried that his local community had scant chance of becoming
better educated, learn a livelihood
and release themselves from impoverishment, he desired that
a school be established.
has since passed away, but his vision is kept alive by Afrikaya
UK. The charity work closely with the Gambian villagers and
have established a School Management Committee comprising
local people. As a tribute and memorial the PTA has named
a tree on the school compound "The Kebba Jaina Tree".
The nursery school in New Yundum opened its doors with 2 completed
classrooms in January 2015. There are 2 more classrooms to
complete and a medical centre and admin block to construct.
