Contact Address:
United Purpose

Banjul area Head Office
Ousman Dan Fodio Street
Fajara M Section
PO Box 2164, Serrekunda
Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd
The Gambia, West Africa
Tel no: +220 4396071
or 7759698
Fax: +220 4494474
Email: up.uk@united-purpose.org

Branches: 1
Off the Kairaba Avenue behind the
War Cemetery
in Bakau / Fajara.
United Purpose (UP) Gambia chapter was founded in 1992, positively
working in concert with various Gambian relief charities and
other development NGOs in order to improve the welfare
and standards of living of the economically deprived in urban
and rural communities.
United Purpose is an international NGO which determined to
meeting the basic requirements of remote and impoverished
village communities, who by their very geographic locations
are distant from most public amenities such as schools, running
water, pharmacies and hospitals.
UP main targets are in finding ways to increase and maintain
steady rural incomes; slowing the expansion of AIDS / HIV
between people, enhance the preparedness of communities to
evade and react to natural disasters such as floods and droughts.
United Purpose set up an office base in Senegal in 1992
and has, among other aid agencies, been supporting displaced
refugees and communities in the Foni District of The Gambia
and the neighbouring Casamance region caused by the civil
Gambia Is Good: 
This is a fruit and vegetable business
which is as a result of collaborative initiative between UP
and Haygrove UK. It is a distribution centre for small Gambian
farmers which is hoped will allow them to make the transition
from subsistence living to cash crop farming.
More >
Main UK Charity:
The main Hereford base charity in the UK was founded in 1976
and has a staff of over 500. UP has expended more than £123
million on various community schemes around the world on some
of the most deprived.
Today United Purpose works in 9 countries most of which are
in East and West Africa with a branch also in
Brazil and Bangladesh.