Contact Address:

Catholic Relief Services
CRS Banjul area Head office
40 Atlantic
Fajara M Section, Bakau
PO Box 568, Banjul
Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd
The Gambia, West Africa
Tel no: +220
4498001 / 4498000
Fax: 4498007
Email: nicole.poirier@crs.org

228 W. Lexington St.
Maryland 21201-3443
Tel no: +1 888-277-7575
Kairaba Avenue &
60 OAU Boulevard
PO Box 568, Banjul
Tel no: 4227120
Email: crsgm@gamtel.gm
s |
The Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was originally established
in the USA in 1943 by Catholic Bishops to bring humanitarian
to the deprived and disadvantaged around the world. It represents
the overseas development and humanitarian relief branch of
the United States Catholic Conference (USCC) and finances
schemes in over 70 countries.
CRS was founded in The Gambia in 1964 and is an NGO status
Christian charity mission whose intervention areas are in
urban and rural
capacity building, agricultural
development, microfinance,
health & nutrition,
malaria control, adult
literacy and numeracy skills programs and Aids/HIV
It runs the Adult Literacy and Early Childhood Care and Development
program which is focused in 13 ECCD institutions covering
daycare and nursery
schools for children from 3 to 7 years old.
Their agricultural development programme aims to move farmers
away from subsistence level and onto selling cash crops. To
this end it introduced sesame into the Gambian farming system
in 1980 because it was drought resistant and less labour intensive
during the busy season. It established 16 community based
sesame seed
oil processing mills around the country in order to stimulate
sesame growing and processing.
