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D Ocean Pool
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Contact Address:

D Ocean Pool

Bertil Harding Highway
Greater Banjul area
The Gambia, West Africa  

Tel no: (+220) 4462103 ( YouTube    Face Book )
                     2210026 / 3664474
                     9928524 / 3664474
                     2423471 WhatsApp
            (+44) 748 4844471 WhatsApp (UK)


Go south along the Senegambia Highy., past Kerr Serign until you reach the petrol station on your left-hand side. D Ocean Pool's shop is opposite.

Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday: 9am 5pm
Friday & Saturday: 9am to 5pm


D Ocean Pool is a firm of contractors established in July 2014 that carries out swimming pool construction, maintenance, supplies and repairs. They also carry out pool cleaning, repairs, landscaping, installation of garden showers, toilets, outside seating areas (bantaba) and sell garden furniture.

Swimming Pool Products & Services:
Swimming pool design and construction.

Pool resin, gel coat and hardener.

Pool maintenance and servicing (monthly payment option)
      * chemicals & pool servicing OR * pool servicing only.

Floaters, backwash, brushes, fittings, chemical treatments,
   leaf rakes, pumps, filters, Ozone Sanitation Systems.

Other pool accessories & lights.

Garden landscaping.

Garden furniture and Bantaba (shaded seating hut).


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