Contact Address:
Gambia Press Union (GPU)
Banjul area Head office
No. 5 Garba Jahumpa Road Bakau
New Town
P.O. Box 1440, Banjul
Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd
The Gambia
West Africa
Tel no: +220 4377020

Fax no: +220 4377020
Email: gpu@qanet.gm
Affiliate - Association of Health Journalists
The Gambia Press Union
of Banjul is a legally registered, not-for-profit media
organisation which was established in 1978 by a number of
newspaper journalists spearheaded by the late Mr. W. Dixon
Colley along with co-founders Messrs Pap Saine, Deyda Hydara
and Melvin B. Jones.
Today, the GPU association has a membership of over 200 regular
and freelance journalists working in the electronic and print
Their main mission is to fight for freedom of expression,
freedom of the press in Gambia and the advancement of the
media as
well as the enhanced development of the nation.
The organisation is governed by an unpaid executive board
consisting of a president and 8 other executive members. The
board is supported by a remunerated secretariat, comprised
of a secretary, a courier and administrator.
• To advocate and ensure the mission, vision & objectives
of the trade union;
• To safeguard & strengthen the interests, rights &
welfare of members;
• To protect & promote the right to freedom of information
• To endeavor to get all state owned media to give fair access
& facilities to those expressing dissenting opinions and
divergent viewpoints as stated in Section 208 of the 1997
Constitution of The Republic of The Gambia;
• To advocate and defend the right of freedom of expression
which includes independence in journalism and freedom of the
• To ceaselessly improve the professional standards of the
media and its professional practitioners as well as a code
of ethics by providing training;
• To persuade the media in Gambia to publish different opinions
and views for their readership;
• To encourage cooperation with other media organisations,
affiliates and journalists associations overseas;
• To hold social functions to enhance the interest and enthusiasm
of its members in their work and to provide financial, moral,
legal support to its members.
• To act as a forum for communication among its members to
allow them to have a good understanding of the media community.
