Contact Address Details:
2BAB Foundation
Jinack Island
Jinack Kayateh
Niumi National Park
North Bank Region
The Gambia, West Africa
Tel no: +31 651617181
Email: info@2BaB.org
Headquarters Office
Stichting 2BaB Foundation
PO Box 5209
1410 AE Naarden
The Netherlands
The Dutch based 2BaB Foundation was established in Banjul,
The Gambia, on the 16th October, 2006 and registered on the
21st November, 2006, as a charitable, non-profit organisation.
It later teamed up with a related organisation and the women’s
association on the island called Kutejumbulu to form a new
association called the Kutejumbulu/2BaB Foundation.
Their main mission is is to promote and assist health care,
education, child welfare, horticulture and micro-loans.

• Bakindiki Koto Farm Project
The vegetable garden programme grows
onions, tomatoes, courgettes, cabbage, cucumbers, peppers,
aubergines, peppers
There is also a poultry farm. The idea is that income generated
from the projects along with government help can sustain the
costs of the health centre and pay for Gambian teachers.
• Jinack Kayateh Village Clinic
The Kutejumbulu 2BAB charity build the new health centre with
a view to operating it for at least a decade. Facilities includes
a 10 bedded patients' ward and baby delivery room, a dispensing
chemist, accommodation for health workers (doctors and nurses),
consulting room, bathing rooms, toilets and fresh water supplies.
It also has on standby a bush-ambulance (Toyota Land Cruiser).
There is a minimum level of healthcare given to new born babies
and infants such as vaccinations and periodical checkups.
Construction of the the unit began in July 2008 and it opened
its doors to the local community on the 3rd July 2009.
• Education
* The ultimate aim for the charity is that by 2016 all the
projects are self-sustaining i.e. the farm, clinic's ambulance
and the mechanism for paying the teachers' salaries at the
Jinack lower basic school.
All donations to the foundation are tax-free.
