Contact Address Details:
Women Advancement & Child Care
Brikama Misira Head Office
Western Region
The Gambia,
West Africa
Tel no: +220 4483227
/ 9996537

Branches: 1
The centre is about 45 km from
Gambian Women Advancement & Child Care (WACC) is a pro-poor
community based programme in Brikama Misera. Whenever possible
it partners with all associated development organisations
on various projects such as capacity
building exercises.
Its main objective is to promote agricultural
output, food product range & preservation, develop education
and skills development institutions and to seek out market
distribution avenues for various agro output.
The group is also engaged in the field of early childhood
development and education
(ECD), advocacy in issues such as HIV/Aids,
sanitation and hygiene, the promotion of breast feeding, good
governance etc. These activities are carried out with the ultimate
aim of increasing the standards of living of the poor, reduce
unemployment and illiteracy among the local population through
championing their cause at every available opportunity.
Some of the skills offered by the NGO includes Tie and Dye
workshops, food / jam processing unit, sewing and other types
of livelihood