Contact Address Details:
Worldview International Foundation
Banjul area WIF Head office
49 Garba Jahumpa Road
Bakau New Town
PO Box 94, Banjul
Municipality, Ksmd
The Gambia, West Africa
Tel no: +220 4496990

Branches: 1
The Worldview International Foundation (WIF) was established
in Banjul, Gambia, in 1991 as a registered NGO with 27 staff,
of which 19 are working field staff.
Their main mission is to advocate for better environmental
custodianship i.e. to minimise human activity which causes
degradation of ecosystems such as bushfires, deforestation
for crops and firewood and soil depletion.
WIF's main areas of intervention is partnering with community
leaders and moving image illustrators in liaison with the
Ministry of Forestry & The Environment to perform village
surveys to evaluate local needs, promoting fuel-efficient
cooking stoves, organise training seminars and workshops on
agro-forestry and tree planting exercises, and family planning
sensitisation. Occasionally students and teachers from outlying
areas participate in tree planting schemes.
The foundation has created a seedling nursery in the North
Bank Region for tree species such as cashew, eucalyptus, mango,
julia-flora, guava, acacia and forest types. The NGO have
also been advancing the establishment of coppices (woodlots)
to reduce deforestation.
From 1993 Worldview has been working with the Ministry of
Information & Communication Infrastructure and the Dutch
on a
training programme. It founded a
Media Centre
staffed by three people and a video-recording unit.
Media Centre
aims to create
video programs
in the fields of Environmental sanitation, population, empowerment
of Gambian women and health.
