Electrical & Solar Energy Companies
in Gambia |
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Electricals  |
This page has companies offering electrical components,
wiring, LED lighting, light fittings & related products. |
Electronics  |
A directory of stores selling fridges, freezers, split
unit A/C units, light fittings, TVs, washing machines &
more. |
Energy Equipment  |
Over 15 distributors of solar power equipment & accessories
aimed at private residences & commercial enterprises.
Products include PV panels, storage batteries, inverters,
water heating systems, plus installation & maintenance.
Generators  |
Distributors of small, medium and industrial size diesel
standy power generators. Brands include Briggs & Stratton,
Kohler, Lister-Petter, Astra, CAT & Winco. |
Above is a list of firms selling air-conditioning units,
solar power electricity systems, PhotoVoltaic (PV) cells
and installations, backup generators & electrical goods
retailers. Some websites included. |
