Bar & Restaurant
Banjul / Serrekunda Highway
Located in the heart of town at Westfield Junction. This is
the place to be if you want to mix it with the locals. |
Sainey's Bar
Fajara M Section
A drinking hole tucked away in a quiet residential area. |
A budget priced place located inland where you can enjoy a drink not too far from Brufut
Heights by car. |
Yata's Bar
Cape Point, Bakau
Serving beer such as Julbrew as well as soft drinks including
Coca Cola, Sprite and Fanta. |
Life Sports Bar
Kololi, Bertil Harding Highway
There is lots to do here. Eat, drink and play or watch a pool
game, darts, fuzz ball or watch UK Premier League games &
EU soccer matches. |
& Crown Pub
A traditional British pub serving beer on draught along with a
menu featuring both Gambian and English cuisine. |
Kotu, Banjul area
A basic place to eat in Kotu well known for its tasty pizzas and
close to the BB & Kombo Beach Hotels |

Restaurants Beach
Above you will find each businesses' background information,
contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails & main
locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western coast
region of The Gambia, West Africa. |