Company Information:
BGS or Blue Gold Solutions was founded in the Banjul capital
in 2004 as a private consultancy firm providing expert scientific,
technical and public policy advice to its clientele based
in The Gambia and overseas. These groups includes parastatal
and aid agencies as well as the local business sector.
In addition their team offers training and tailored specialist
services on a broad range of environmental areas which tends
to revolve around the sustainable management of water resources.
Groud Water Consultancy Services:
• Groundwater hydrology & water catchment areas
• Hydrological appraisal & project design
• Geophysical surveying
• Sewage & drainage within local communities
• Natural hazard preparedness & mitigation
• Investment assessment
• Costing analysis
• Geological publications
• Economic feasibility studies
• Training and workshops
• Lectures and seminars