Dabis Catering
Banjul area, Brusubi
A supplier of bulk cooked meals for meeting conferences,
birthday parties, wedding receptions and other special
occasions. |
Restaurant & Catering
Kololi, Senegambia area
Pre-cooked food deliveries for wedding receptions, birthdays,
parties, and other special events. |
Solmic Catering Services Gambia Ltd.
Kanifing Municipality,
Fajara, Kairaba Avenue
SCS is a professional caterer for children's birthday parties,
buffet equipment, cutlery, food warmers, receptions, garden
decorations. It also offers offering consultancy and event
planning. |
Above you will find information on food delivery companies'
contact addresses,
telephone numbers, some emails
and main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western
coast region of The Gambia, West Africa. |