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Gambia Bar Association


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Contact Address:

Gambia Bar Association (GBA)
Banjul capital Headquarters
24 Independence Drive
The Gambia, West Africa

Tel no:    +220 422 9569

Fax no:   +220 422 3257



Tel no:    +220 776 7999

(Executive Secretary)

Tel:         +220 747 8211

There are several hundredlegal practitioners admitted to practice in the Gambia, most of whose chambers are located within the Banjul area.

However, around 40-50 Gambian lawyers of those are currently working outside the jurisdiction. The majority of lawyers operate as sole practitioners within small chambers or practices.

The GBA is governed by a nine-member executive Committee, elected annually, which is responsible in general for the carrying out of the objects of the association and in particular ensuring the proper administration and management of its affairs; maintaining a directory of lawyers; maintaining professional standards of conduct; encouraging legal research and maintaining a law library; and securing the advancement of the profession.

Several subcommittees are required to be established by the constitution of the GBA but these seem largely ineffective. The GBA is funded through an annual subscription and has no secretariat or offices. A property has, however, been allocated for the future development and construction of a permanent secretariat. All secretariat functions are currently carried out by members of the executive Committee.

However, the Gambia Bar Association has taken recent steps to prepare a code of conduct and professional ethics for the profession with the financial support of DFID.

Source - Modified from:
International Bar Association
~ (2014)


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