The GTHI is one of the few institutions that in the country
offers specialised training in tourism. The school, which
is run by the Dept. of Tourism & Culture, is to be upgraded
into a National Tourism Training Institute (NTTI).
The Gambia National Tourism Training Institute was established
in 1980 with support from the World Bank and the German Agency
for Technical Cooperation. The learning centre initially offered
training for new entrants to the hotel industry in 4 fields:
house keeping, front office duties, cooking and restaurant.
The school has over the years provided skills training for
more than 4,000 students many of whom are still working in
the hotel industry and some beyond it. The school offers various
courses including hospitality management leading to the awarding
of professional management certificates and diplomas.
The GTHI is affiliated with the Organisation for Tourism and
Hospitality Management and the London International College.