Aprox Consultancy
Old Jeshwang, Greater Banjul area
Aprox offerrs services in the areas of graphic design, marketing
& research, business start-up advice, human resources
management, business strategies, feasibility surveys, recruitment
& event management. |
Sa Hel Invest
The company, founded in 1997, offers a wide selection of
services including market feasibility studies, policy creation,
management consultancy among others. |
Executive 2020
Sayerr Jobe Avenue, Serrekunda, , Kanifing Municipality
A firm of marketing agents for various businesses' products
and services. |
Kotu East
A company producing graphics design, logos and promotions in
press and radio. |
Above you will find each marketing businesses' background
information, contact addresses,
telephone numbers, some emails, websites, faxes
& main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western
coast region of The Gambia, West Africa. |