Brikama Community Radio
98.0 FM MHZ, Western Region (WR), Gambia
The station was established in 1994 as a way of spreading
development news & local issues affecting local citizens
& in particular the women of Brikama. |
Capital FM
100.4 FM
Kairaba Avenue, Banjul area
The newest online player onto the Gambian radio scene. The station features regular music
shows & talk programs are Wagne Bi, Sen Suba,
Taxamtekhu & Afromanding. |
City Limits Radio
93.6 FM - Kairaba Avenue, Serrekunda
CLR FM broadcaster is a private Dutch operated music and talk /
station and plays dub reggae music on Saturdays and Sundays. |
91.4 FM Bakau
GRTS is The Gambia's only public service broadcaster which operates in
wireless, TV and now satellite. |
Kids With Talent
107.6 FM - Fajara M Section, Banjul area
KWT Radio station is a private commercial FM radio broadcaster
which was set up to give young people a way to express their
abilities & talents. |
Kora FM
Kanifing South, Banjul area
KRA is named after the Mandinka musical instrument and streams
its programmes on 103.9 MHz frequency. |
North Bank Community
NBC (100.1 FM) is a fully operational station which founded
in the town of Kerewan in 1996 to provide broadcasting services
to the people of the North Bank Region. |
Paradise FM
105.5 frequency - Kololi Village
A fully digital Gambian radio station that is owned and operated by Mediamatic
& is now online. |
Radio 1 FM
102.1 FM - Kairaba Avenue
A private radio station playing music & focuses on economic
development and political rights. |
Taranga FM
97.5 MHZ Sinchu Alhagie Community Radio serves the people of Kombo
North in the West Coast Region.
Taxi FM
100.7 FM, Bakau New Town, Banjul area
A private, online listening commercial radio station located in
the Greater Banjul Area. Its programs feature music, showbiz,
business, aviation news & weather reports. |
Vibes FM
106.1 FM - Garba Jahumpa Road, Bakau
Vibes (Sunnu Radio) is a privately owned digital radio station
located Manjai Kunda. Their daily shows consist of reggae
music, RnB, sports, youth news in English & Wolof, while
their relayed broadcasts reach Basse & Dakar. |
Coast Radio
95.3 FM - Manjai Kunda
WCR plays a selection by DJ Owl & DJ Mo of R&B & Reggae music with
the occasional news, health reports, sports & announcements of events. |
Broadcasting TV
Stations Satellite |
Above you
will find each stations' basic information, contact addresses,
telephone numbers, some emails, websites, faxes & main
locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western coast
region & up river areas of The Gambia, West Africa. |