B.F.D Multisports
Bakau, Banjul area, Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd
sales of imported sporting gear such as plastic & leather
footballs, running shoes, socks, tennis balls and personal
exercise equipment. |
Number 1 Sport Shop
Kanifing Municipality,
Kairaba Avenue
They retail activity clothing, trophies and gym equipment such
as football jerseys, shorts, football boots, trophies, running
mills, rowing machines & related accessories. |
Gamsport Shop Gambia Ltd.
Kairaba Avenue, Serrekunda, Banjul area
Distributors of tennis rackets, shorts, cricket bats, tracksuit
tops and bottoms, sneakers & other items of clothing & sports
accessories. |
M.B. Shour Enterprise Ltd.
72 Liberation Avenue, Banjul
A sportswear store located in the capital. They have stocks of
bikini swimwear, football boots, towels, head bands and other
related items of kit. |
Sport House Plaza
Pipeline Road
A general sportswear store distributing various kit &
equipment from the likes of Spalding, Converse, Nike, Puma,
Wilson & other sporting brands. |
Above you will find each companies' information,
contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails, faxes
& main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western
coast region of The Gambia, West Africa. |