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Tobaski - Buying Sheep in Gambia
Holidays      Tobaski       Culture       Religion       Muslims
Most sheep that are to be slaughtered for the Tobaski feast are bought in Abuko is just off the main road. This is often a very stressful time for a lot of men as they often feel duty bound to buy a big sheep even if they have to borrow money to buy it.

The cost of a sheep can typically be three to four times a manual worker's monthly salary.

It is often advisable to buy your sheep at least 1 week before Tobaski as prices tend to start to rise as you get nearer the Eid Al Adha feast day.

For a decent sized sheep expect to pay between $350 to $400 per animal though prices can be much higher  with rams particularly sought after. If you purchase a sheep early do remember that you have to feed them "ngon" (feed) which can cost around $5 per sack full.

Goats and sheep:
Free to roam the street, until sundown when they all return to their respective compounds. Don’t be startled by their loud baas, which can be belch-like. Both animals are kept for Tabaski, a major Muslim holiday that requires sacrifice of these bleating creatures.

Gambia Livestock Dealer's Association - Abuko
Contact tel. no: 4394625

Department of Livestock Services, Abuko
Telephone no: 4472820  /  4472118


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