Craft Market
The Bakau Craft Market was established in 1971 at Cape
Point by the women of the area who used to offer for sale
crafted African style items such as beads and masks. |
Craft Market
It has 150 members and is the oldest craft market in The Gambia.
They have for sale batiks, baskets, wood carvings like masks,
drums, tie dye, jewellery and other trinkets. |
Woodcarver's Market
There are 57 craft stalls though there are over 200 members
who make and sell their artwork and other products in the
nearby area. |
Kotu Tourist Craft Market
At the Bendula you can find for sale African tie dye clothing
and hats, necklaces, paintings, calabash gourds, balafons,
and even stuffed toys, sunglasses, baseball caps. |
Craft Market
The Senegambia Craft Market (bendula) was founded in the early
1980s and has 64 appointed stalls a well as others nearby.
You can buy tie-dye bags, hats, wooden carved masks. |
Batik Factory
It is located at the Musu Kebba Drammeh's compound, the famous,
female tie-dye batiks manufacturer. |
Craft Market
In Cape Point the market has more than 50 stalls selling jewellery,
caps, shoes, paintings, tie and dye, batik, drums, rings,
necklaces, wood carves, shoes, paintings & tops. |
Above you will find background information,
contact addresses, telephone numbers
& main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western
coast region & up river areas of The Gambia, West Africa. |