Contact Address Details:
Gambia - EC Program
Banjul Head Office
74 Atlantic Road (Boulevard)
PO Box 512, Banjul
Fajara M Section
The Gambia West Africa
Tel no: +220 4497847
Fax: 4225077 or 4497848
EC Delegation in the Gambia,
74 Atlantic Boulevard
NAO System Support Unit
1-3 Liberation Avenue
NTC Complex
PMB 125
The EU Commission is the European Union's official diplomatic
corps' permanent mission representative body Gambia.
Mission Opening Hours: ?
Background Information:
- EC Cooperation Program:-
The European Commission gives assistance to the Gambia's Poverty
Alleviation Strategy Part 2, the private sector's growth plan
as stipulated in Vision 2020 and mid term framework, &
schemes related to trade promotion and investment sectors.
The European Commission’s cooperation aims for the country
have been designed in response to the Gambia Government
development policies & in discussion with government &
non-governmental organisations.
The goal of such cooperation is ultimately to encourage democracy,
economic responsibility in the public sector, good governance,
the creation of efficient rural and local government bodies,
encourage awareness of democracy in civilian life and the
establishment of alliances for the socio-economic development
between the private and public sectors of The Gambia.
In accordance with EC Rural Development Policy and added to
by local institutional know-how and expertise, the EC has
identified areas for development in support to Local Government
methods and producer associations as primary areas for sustainable
rural development such as in the supply of rural water and
the rehabilitation of rural economic structures.
EC assistance in such infrastructure is grant-in-aid which means that
such assistance can help with major public works and not add to the
load on the Gambia's national debt burden.
Private Initiatives:
In line with with EU policy, non-focal interventions put forward for
economic development are focused around private sector investment and
development. In addition, the European Commission can assist private sector
ideas through agreements with specialised agencies and with investments from the
European Investment Bank.
Public Initiatives:
Assistance to the social sector, in accordance with the poverty
reduction process and EU policy, will support greater opportunities
for education, with a specific focus on education for girls
and occupational training for teenagers.
Democratic Initiatives:
The EC has encouraged and assisted in The Gambia's democratic and
electoral processes in the Gambia and assisted in conflict resolution.
In this area, it has built up good relations all parts of society.
Based on this relationship the EC is in an ideal position to use
resources to empower civil organisations, encourage their
participation in monitoring progress under the Cotonou Agreement
(signed by Gambia on 23rd June, 2000) and assist in the formation of a
Civil Society Forum.
The Permanent Secretary at the Gambia
Department of State for
Finance and Economic Affairs, is the official NAO (National
Authorising Officer). He / she is
supported by a team allowing The Gambia as a member of the
African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Countries, to take part as an
effective partner in ACP-European Commission Co-operation.
