Contact Address Details:
Embassy of The Republic of The Gambia
Chancery Al-woroud District
10 Naerah street (Behind King
Abdulaziz Road)
P. O. Box 94322, Riyadh 11693
Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia

Telephone number: +966 1
205 2758 +9661 205 2158 +9661 456 9996 +9661 456 0290
455 0988
Fax number:
+966 1 462 1481
1 456 0273
1 456 2024
Mission Opening Hours: Monday to
09.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Days Off: Thursday & Friday
2nd Office:
Gambian Consulate General
P.O. Box 9937,
Jeddah 21423
Saudi Arabia
T: 00 966 2573193