Contact Address Details:
Banjul area head office
Kanifing Industrial Estate, Ksmd
The Gambia
West Africa
Tel: +220 4390105
Tel: +220 4484946 (Brikama Terminal)
Tel: +220 4392501 (Kanifing Switchboard)
Tel: 4392021
Current Status:
The bus corp. is now defunct.
Background Information:
An act passed by the Banjul based parliament created the Gambia
/ Libya Arab Public Transport Corporation in 1976. This Act
was amended during the 1987/1988 fiscal year and it brought
about the establishment of the Gambia Public Transport Corporation
The major
aims of the Corporation as prescribed by the legislation is
to "operate and maintain the public transport services of The Gambia
for the conveyance of passengers and goods".
The company started its operations with only one shareholder,
the Gambia Government with 3 million shares. The ownership
remains the same but the structure in terms of the number
of shares has changed. Following the merger of the former
Gambia Ferry Services Ltd with GPTC in 1993, the company's
authorised share capital increased to D50 million (5 million
shares at D10 per share). The objectives of the Corporation
were amended to include "operating and maintaining ferry
services and inland waterway transportation".
In 2001 the Ferries Division of GPTC was hived off and transferred to
the Gambia Ports Authority.
Capacity Utilisation:
The current means of bus transportation – the large bus with a minimum
of 50 passengers – used by GPTC, offers the opportunity for mass
transportation over long distances. But the GPTC presently has a fleet
size of 51 (fifty-one) buses only, which is approximately 50% below
the minimum number required to serve current demand.
Number of Employees:
• The staff complement is at present 342 at five depots stationed
at Kanifing, Essau, Brikama, Farafenni, Soma and Basse Santa
