Contact Address Details:
Insurance Association of The Gambia
Banjul capital Head Office
Website: iag.gm
IAG Secretariat
10C Nelson Mandela Street PO Box 277, Banjul The Gambia,
West Africa
Tel no: +220 4379094
Fax :
The Insurance Association of The Gambia (IAG) was formed on
the 11th August 1987 by insurance
companies operating in The Gambia.
The founding member companies under their various chief executives
were the Gambia National Insurance Co.
Ltd. under Mr Omar Dibba, Senegambia Insurance Co. Ltd.
under Babou A.M. Cisse and Capital Insurance Co. Ltd. under
Mr. Dodou Taal.
The IAG elects a
executive committee every 2 years at the AGM in which representatives
from all the member companies are present.
The executive
committee has a meeting each month and is led by a president who is
aided by a secretary is in charge of carrying out the decisions of the
executive committee.
A Secretariat was created in the year
2000. An executive was employed to run the administrative
day-to-day running of the secretariat such as the ECOWAS Brown Card
Insurance Scheme.
The National Bureau has a membership made up of all the insurance
companies currently operating and these are in turn represented
on the Board of Directors by their respective chief executives.
The chairman and vice chairman of the board are appointed
by other board members.