of the languages spoken in Gambia belong to the Niger-Congo language
family of the Atlantic or Congo branches. There are at least 10
languages spoken in Gambia by the various ethnic
groups. Apart from English which is the official language
spoken in schools and public offices there is also Wolof,
Serer-Sine, Sarahole, Pulaar, Maninkakan,
Mandjaque, Mandingo, Jola-Fonyi
and the Aku's Creole (pidgin English).
They are further broken down into various dialects such as Fana
Fana of Saloum
for the Wollof speakers.
Before the arrival of the Europeans none of the ethnic languages
were written as they were in purely oral form.
Most people are in fact multi-lingual in that the majority can
speak their own tribal tongue, a second language as well as English.
Wollof represents the lingua franca for the west coast Kombo area
while Mandinka is dominant in the
up-river divisions and particularly
in the Kombos they are interspersed with English, Arabic or French
words and phrases.
(Gambian English) refers to the Gambian expressions that sound
somewhat odd to native English-speaking ears, a result of translation
from native languages. Some examples include “finished,” “I’m
coming” (when leaving), “I am having 2 dalasi,” and “moves with.”
"He" and "She"
Often mistakenly used interchangeably by Gambians with less than
flawless English skills. Wolof and Mandinka
both use the same pronoun for both sexes.
Because of it proximity to Senegal you will also find people fairly
fluent in French along the Gambia's border regions as well as
in Basse and Fatoto.
West Africa is among the most linguistically diverse areas on
earth and this is due primarily to the movements of peoples over
the centuries. This diversity is evident when you listen to Radio
Gambia which broadcasts its news in 5 different local languages!
