To Banjul NOTE:
Check details with the airlines & airport before booking. |

The precise timetable of scheduled flights from Spain's Madrid
Barajas Airport (M.A.D.) to Banjul is somewhat changeable throughout
the year. However, it is normal for passengers to make their departure
once a week. For passengers whose destination is Banjul Airport
you would normally embark from the airlines' check-in desk in
Terminal 2.
Because of the fact that in Spain you can choose to also fly from
Barcelona variable
durations stays are made possible. So you can for instance make
a flight reservation for Gambia on a Tuesday for 9 nights and
make your return journey on a Thursday. Another option is to set
out on a Thursday for 12 days and return to Spain on a Tuesday.
• Barajas is located 12 kilometres to the northeast of the city
and can be reached by a number of transport methods which are
by road, train, car, taxi, bus and underground.
• As well as flying scheduled to Banjul (BJL) there are just over
100 other airlines operating regular departure and connecting
services from Spain to a number of domestic and international
destinations such as Beijing, Birmingham
(UK), Boston, Buenos Aires, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Marrakesh, Caracas, Paris Charles de Gaulle, Riyadh, Suvarnabhumi,
Amman and Istanbul-Ataturk.
International Airport
Avenida de la Hispanidad 28042
Madrid, (Espania)
Telephone number:
+34 902 404 704
(Aena Network)
Departures & Arrivals
Shuttle Service to Barcelona
servicios-aeroportuarios@aena.es |
N.B. The above information should not be relied upon to make
any travel decisions as it may be out-of-date or subject to change
without notice. Get advice from your travel agent, tour operator
and/or the airlines concerned. |