Contact Address Details:
International School
Banjul area
Bakau New Town
Farimang Singhateh Street
Off Garba Jahumpa Road
& Fajara M Section
Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd
PO Box 717, Banjul The Gambia, West Africa
Tel no:
4494373 (Main switchboard)
Mobile: 7836281 Fax:
Email: info@mis.edu.gm
The Marina International School,
which is one of the best private schools in The Gambia, was
founded in 1958. The total number of pupils enrolled at MIS
is over 1,000 and both the High and Junior schools are located
on the same campus. There are no restrictions based on nationality.
The educational institution student admissions is from nursery
to Form 7. The Junior School encompasses classes for Nursery,
Reception and Years 1-6. The High School is a three-tier international
school and is a Cambridge International Examinations Centre
and therefore adheres to British National Curriculum and has
IGCSE, AS and A level courses and exams.
Marina is a not-for-profit foundation owned by the PTA (Parents
Teachers Association) which votes for a Board of Governors
which ultimately manages the day-to-day running of the school.
Though both schools run independently from each other and
have different principals, they coordinate and cooperate widely
and at the conclusion of Key Stage 2 most pupils from the
Junior age apply for enrolment to the High School.
Admissions Process:
The application procedure for enrolment into Marina International
School, Gambia, is as follows:-
• Call or email the
Administrative Office (+220 4449376) to arrange an appointment.
• At the meeting the head of the relevant section will answer
queries about the institution and its educational programmes. You
may chose to fill in the application form at this time as well as
meet the Finance Officer for questions about their tuition fees.
• After your form has been endorsed for final approval successful
applicants will receive an introductory letter to formalise their
admission into Marina International.
• Payment of tuition fees at Accounting Office.
• During the first week of the school term a tour will be appointed
for students and parents with a seminar to outline the policies,
procedures and code of conduct at Marina.
School Fees:
See here.
They can vary for Gambians and the expatriates community.
Curriculum, Exams & Class
The average class size is approximately 26 to 27 pupils and each
year grouping has 2 or 3 classes which are not streamed.
The curriculum is grounded in the main core subjects of English
language, Mathematics, Social Studies and Science which are taught
by the class's teacher however, older ages are occasionally taught
by the subject specialist. This is especially true in English.
Specialist teachers give instruction in Music, Physical Education,
French to 1 to 6 year olds.
Note: RE is not taught at Marina.
The teaching programme for Reception and Nursery is grounded on the
Early Years Foundation Programme (EYFP) which is published with the
British National Curriculum with a focus on learning via child's
play. Later, the formal programmes are taught through teaching the
idea and representation of symbols for numbers and sounds and by
assisting the kids to gain manual dexterity in drawing, writing and
painting techniques. Those who have gained sufficient proficiency
can move onto writing, doing basic sums and reading.
During the Years One to Six, every class adheres to study based on
the UK National Curriculum. Coursework is focused on teaching
children to think for themselves, to be creative, with a significant
proportion of it being activity-based. Learning by parrot style
repetition is frowned upon.
Teaching of the English language takes place through the use of the
language as opposed to formal use of grammar. Emphasis is put on
encouraging the children to find meaning in what they have read and
to give expression in their written work and speech. Writing,
reading, listening and speaking are evaluated separately.
Assessments are carried out throughout the year. Course work is
marked and tests are carried out on a regular basis in the various
subjects. Marina has more recently shifted over towards a new system
of assessment based on Levels.
Expected Achievement Levels:
• Years 1 and 2 > Level 1-2
• Years 3 and 4 > Level 2-3
• Years 5 and 6 > Levels 3-4
Years Three to Six sit their exams 2 times a year, in February and
June. Movement up to the next year is entirely reliant on
satisfactory academic performance during the year in both the
continuous assessment and exams. Those that fail to reach a
satisfactory level of attainment might be requested to repeat.
At the end of the course for Year 6 the pupils will sit their exams,
which are based on SATS sat in England. These tests are marked
externally and the SAT results are published in the first half of
July. Promotion to Marina High School rests on adequate performance
of the SATS, as well as acceptable behaviour during Year Six. There
is no requirement for those promoted to the High School to sit the
Gambia's Common Entrance Exams.
Ultimately, final decisions on promotions rests with the Academic
Committee after discussion of each child. Double promotions are only
permitted in exceptional circumstances.
Homework policy is not formal for Nursery and Reception, however,
basic tasks may be given to do back in their residence. Every
student from Years One to Six will be given home assignments.
"Scholarship, Trustworthiness and Service"