National Youth Conference and Festival (known as NAYCONF) is a
biennial event that brings the nation's youth together to discuss
issues affecting their lives as well as their role in National
It was originally called The National Youth Week and only consisted
of Sporting and Cultural programmes. Such Youth Week celebrations
were first held in Banjul in 1974/1975, then in Basse, URD in
With the adoption of the National Youth Policy, the event became
a biennial one and consisted not only on sporting and Cultural
Programmes but Youth Conference as well.
The Conference affords youths, through their accredited representations
the opportunity to discuss, matters of common interest vis-à-vis
their role in National Development. The Youth forum serves as
an authoritative source of information on the problems of Youth
as seen by the Youths themselves.
The Youth Festival on other hand, engenders interaction amongst
Youths inn a true spirit of oneness and love through the various
sporting and cultural Programmes as well as participate in a community
Service Project. Youth Participants from the zone two countries
are also invited to take part in the Festival.
The Youth Conference and Festival was first held in Bakau, KSMD
in 1990 followed by Janjanbureh' MID 1992 and Mansakonko, LRD
The week long event will feature a variety of sporting, cultural
and intellectual programmes.
The opening will be marked by a spectacular parade of all youth
delegates from different parts of the country, punctuated by cultural
displays depicting the cultural forms that are most unique to
each Division.
The second day will mark the official opening of the Youth Conference
on the theme" Youth and the Challenges of the New Millennium".
An Art and Craft s exhibition Portraying the talent of Gambian
Youth in the Visual and plastic Arts across the country will be
opened on the same day.
The rest of the days, will satisfy the sporting, theatrical and
musical thirst of the youths through keen competitions.
The last day marking the closing ceremony of the Conference and
Festival will witness the award prizes and certificates.
The Committee:
A National Committee was inaugurated in November 1998, by the
then acting Secretary of State for Youth and sports, Captain (Retired)
Yankuba Touray and charged with responsibility to co-ordinate
of the week long event. The work of this Committee is complimented
by that of various sub-committee whose task it is to address the
financial, logistical and organizational implications of the event.

Culture & Traditions


Religious Festivals

National Holidays