Elton Oil
The Elton Oil Company is a downstream Senegalese owned firm
which operates in Gambia & Senegal. It is essentially a retail,
marketing & distribution company with a branch network of petrol
stations selling gasoline, diesel, gasoil & various lubricants. |
Castle Oil
1 Kairaba Avenue, Serrekunda, Greater Banjul
fuels such as gasoil, petrol and kerosene from its filling stations.
They are also involved in aviation fuels and shipping agent operations at
the Port of Banjul. |
Galp Energia
Operator of numerous petrol stations in and around the Kombo Saint
Mary Area. They also sell diesel, kerosene, bottled gas, motor oils,
as well as operating a car wash. |
Gam-Petroleum Mandinary Village
The company has a modern storage facility at the Mandinari Fuel
Storage Depot. |
Gambia National Petroleum
Banjul area,
Kotu Operators of fuel filling stations as well as sales of
car spare parts and engine lubricants & accessories. |
Jah Oil Company
Ltd. The
oil firm has 16 registered petrol and gasoil filling stations
around the nation and employs around 75 people. It also imports
and sells
auto engine lubricants and related petroleum products.
Sandalee Oil & Trading Co. Ltd.
Kairaba Avenue, Fajara M Section, Banjul area
Operates petrol filling stations and sells petroleum related
products along the Western Region of the Kombos & Badibou. |
Speed Limited
Sukuta They operate several fuel filling stations in the areas of
Bijilo, Old Yundum and Lamin Village.
Total Gambia Ltd.
The Total Energy Group Limited in Banjul is part of a multinational
petroleum energy company. It operates a number of fuel re-filling
stations around the country. |
In the above list you will find each businesses' background
information, contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails,
websites, faxes & locations in the western coast region
of The Gambia, West Africa. |