Some people in Gambia turn to less than honest means to take advantage
of toubabs using various devious tricks.
Be on the look out for those attempting to part you from your
money by pleading a false case.
are three examples of commonly used scams among Gambian con artists.
Note that these cases are presented very straightforwardly, which
are by all means not the case on the street. Plots are often not
uncovered until the very moment you are asked for money—do not
feel guilty into giving them any, no matter how thick they lay
it on. No matter how far fetched getting scammed may seem, it
will probably happen to you if you are staying for a long time
in the country. "Sign my guestbook", "Do you remember
me?," and one got the "rice for the family."
These three common scams are explained below:
A Gambian approaches you and tells you all about how he was just
married or how his son was just born. He was sad that you could
not make the ceremony, but invites you to sign the guestbook/visitor’s
book. He seems genuinely excited to meet a tourist like yourself,
so you good-naturedly agree. The “guestbook” contains a list of
names (likely to be made up) as well
as a list of sizable donations. He tells you it is customary to
give a gift on the occasion, and thus will pressure you into doing
so with a guilt trip.
"Don’t you remember me?":
An unfamiliar person approaches and says, “Hello, how are you?
It’s Kebba, the repair man! Do you remember me?” You will feel
guilty enough to say yes because you see hundreds of people a
day and it is difficult to keep all of your acquaintances straight.
He will then ask you to loan him some money to buy something,
either a bite to eat or something for your hotel, which you will
be reimbursed for later. One “Kebba” in Bakau
has tried to assert that he owns an orphanage, and has even gone
as far as taking tourists to 'his' compound and training neighbourhood
children to hug the strangers to keep
up the act. He then asks for money to buy bags of rice for the
Rice for the family:
A man approaches you and, after the customary greetings,
tells you about how he does not have enough cash to buy food for
his family’s next meal. As he begs you to help him out in the
money department, he leads you to a local
shop where they sell bags of rice. After he wheedles a few
hundred dalasi notes out of you and enters the shop to pick out
his bag, he leaves you standing on the corner while he escapes
out the back door with the cash.
The above are just a few of the very many examples of the frauds
perpetrated on tourists and longer stay visitors to Gambia. Be
on your guard and assume any story someone tells you about needing
your cash to be false until it is 'verified' by you. Even then
it may not really have been 'verified' as the tricksters could
have got other people in on the game! If in doubt just say no.
Be careful about those who wish to 'sell' you land
that is not theirs. This is a common confidence trick where the
'seller' shows you a (doctored) photocopy of 'his title' to the
land and attempts to 'sell' it to you. You later find out he does
not even own the property.
The most dangerous kind of conman is the one that comes across
as being well off and actually has money to spend on YOU. He may
insist on paying for a meal you both just ate. He may offer to
pay for your drink at a bar, he may well be driving a flashy car.
This could be preparing you for a big con, such as your 'joint'
investment in a lodge, farm or other project. It's usually no
such thing, and even if he has invested in your 'joint' project,
his ultimate aim is to find ways to remove your ownership in the
'joint' venture. For your own financial safety you should avoid
these kinds of people at all costs. That's not to say there aren't
genuine business partners out there, you should just make sure
that everything is dealt with by your lawyer, above board and
Common Tourist Scams:
There are numerous scams and tricks perpetrated on the unwary
tourists to Gambia. There are too many to list here but here are
some of the more common hard-luck sop stories:
• |
"My father (or mother) has just been admitted
to Banjul hospital or a clinic
& he / she needs urgent treatment". |
• |
"I am unable to pay my younger brother's outstanding
school fees & as a result he is currently out of school". |
• |
"I have not eaten for a couple of days as I
have no work and I am hungry". |
• |
You are given a 'free' gift like a cheap bead necklace
which is used as an avenue to lure you into deeper conversation
& 'friendship'. This trickster may be a patient kind of guy
& will elicit your cash another day. |
• |
"I have to go to a 'naming
ceremony' because they named the child after me and tradition
says I have to donate some money to the
father". |
• |
"I have malaria and need to get some medications
urgently". |
• |
The more sophisticated tricksters will work in collaboration
with someone else who will inform you that your 'friend' is in
some sort or 'terrible demise' and your cash is required to solve
the 'problem'. |
And so on and so on... |
If you feel you want to help The Gambia then donate
your money to a charity. |