Contact Address Details:
Regional Integration
& Employment
Banjul capital office
Independence Drive
The Gambia West Africa
Tel no: +220 4228392 (switchboard)
4227827, 4229224
4227578, 4201113
4228896, 4223441
4496098 (Bakau)
Email: info@motie.gov.gm
73 OAU Boulevard 4226405
Background Information:
The Banjul based Ministry of Trade & Employment (MOTIE)
is divided into the Labour Department, Indigenous
Business Advisory Services (IBAS), Standards and Consumer
Protection Bureau (SCPB) in The Gambia.
MOTIE is responsible for establishing the appropriate setting
for private sector development, improved economic growth,
trade promotion, and a reduction in poverty.
This responsibility is implemented by the creation and application
of trade policy and programmes for the growth of trade and
execution of policies that will promote commercial production
to expand export trade, and the preparation of employment
policies, programmes and strategies for the private sector
in Gambia.

Organisational Structure:
• Minister
• Permanent Secretary
• Deputy Permanent Secretary for Admin and Finance
• Deputy Permanent Secretary for Technical
• Principal Assistant Secretary
Statement: "Facilitate trade and promote labour-intensive
employment initiatives by leveraging our resources and forging strong
partnerships with the private sector for the transformation of The
Gambia into a trading, export-oriented nation, thriving on free market
policies and well-integrated into the multilateral trading system."