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US Peace Corps - Gambia
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Contact Address Details:

US Peace Corps

Banjul area head office
78 Kairaba Avenue   (map)
Fajara M Section
(near the US Embassy)
P.O. Box 582, Banjul
The Gambia, West Africa

Tel no: +220 4464564
                   4398338 / 4377388 / 4398357
                   4392120 (country director)

                  4377052 (Stodge House, Kanifing, MDI Rd.)
                  4398366 (Youth Hostel)

Email: AF/

1111 20th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20526

Tel no: +1 855.855.1961

Fax: 202.692.1065


Background Information:
The Peace Corps (an independent US Federal Agency) takes applications from US citizens who are over the age of 18 years for voluntary field work in The Gambia and other countries around the world and offers a start to their working careers.

Today there are around 122 volunteers working in rural village communities in The Gambia.

The organisation promotes awareness and provides instruction in the fields of agriculture, education, engineering, environment, community development work and health care including HIV/Aids prevention. People can serve for up to 60 months under the "five-year rule".

In 1967 the Ministry of External Affairs signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Peace Corps Volunteers. Later that year PCTG volunteers started services beginning with teaching and mechanical instruction. So far there have been over 1,200 volunteers who have assisted many Gambian communities over the years.


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