Gambia Business Directory
 Cleaning Services

Bulk Laundry Services in Gambia

R & R Services Ltd.      
Kololi, Kairaba Avenue, Fajara,
Banjul area
...dry cleaning & bulk laundry service....If you want them to clean 10 pieces of attire or more then they will offer you a 10% discount...
Jerome's Laundry      
Kanifing Industrial Estate,
Ksmd, Banjul area
The cleansing company in Kanifing carries out bulk laundry services in Gambia for the hotel industry...
Kairaba Laundry Services      
Reliance Plaza Building, Kairaba Avenue
...They use the latest industrial washing machines & chemicals to lift off dirt from various fabrics....
 Cleaning Services

Above you will find each businesses' background information, contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails, faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the western coast region of, West Africa.

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