Electricians in Gambia (Domestic) |
Serrekunda, Ksmd, Banjul area
The sparky carries out power socket installations, lighting
fittings, low voltage transformer replacement, inspections,
rewire a home etc. |
An experienced and fully qualified private Gambian electrician
working from the Kololi area. His services are aimed
at both domestic residences & business properties.
They can fix air-conditioners, fuse boxes, switches
etc. |
Bakoteh Estate, Banjul area
They can attach fuse boxes, check for faults, carry
out general maintenance and checking of your wiring
system, test fuse boards and other equipment. |
Services Ltd.
Kotu, Banjul area
They do high standard work on items such as fused spurs,
display lighting, attaching & connecting changeover
switches, voltage checking, resistors. |
Above you will find each businesses' information,
contact addresses, telephone numbers & main locations
in the Greater Banjul area of the western coast region
of The Gambia, West Africa. *Note:
Only use the services of a fully qualified and certified
electrician. Only buy genuine European standard electrical
products. No guarantees are given or implied by this
website's author as to the veracity of any of the above
persons or firms. Do not rely on any of the above entities'
details and / or information to make any property or
other decisions. Some of the information maybe out of
date. You must always act with due diligence. |

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