Gambia Business Directory
Organisations       NGOs - A to Z
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Good Governance NGOs & Charities

Africa in Democracy &
Good Governance

73 Kombo Sillah Drive, Churchill's Town
Africa In Democracy & Good Governance (ADG) was established in Gambia to promote and instil democratic principles and ideals in society to promote...
Brikama Town, Kombo Central, West Coast Region
...a nationwide rural development NGO agency which was established in 1988..........• Good Governance. • Rural Skills Training. • Access to Savings and Loans...
European Commission
74 Atlantic Boulevard, Fajara M Section
...The goal of such cooperation is ultimately to encourage democracy, economic responsibility in the public sector, good governance, the creation of efficient rural and local government bodies...
Future In Our Hands
Kotu South, Greater Banjul area
- Good governance & organisational development. - Health (Malaria prevention & control, HIV/Aids, hygiene, nutrition). - Women & youth capacity building & empowerment. The various Community Based Organisations (CBOs)...
Juffureh Albreda Youth

North Bank Region
They have formed the Jays Drama Group to spread awareness through dance, theatre and Djembe drums, issues surrounding good governance, the constitution, tuberculosis, human rights...
Nova Scotia-Gambia

Kanifing South, NSGA international Canadian charity and a Banjul registered NGO development organisation....schools on malaria prevention, sanitation and clean water, good governance...
Women Advancement &
Child Care

...sanitation and hygiene, the promotion of breast feeding, good governance etc. These activities are carried out with the ultimate aim of increasing the standards of living of the poor, reduce unemployment and illiteracy....
See also Human Rights NGOs
 Types of NGOs      
 NGOs - A to Z

Above you will find background information on the list of various civil society organizations (CSOs), their intervention areas, contact addresses, telephone numbers, some emails, faxes & main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the west coast region & up river areas of The Gambia, West Africa.

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