Security Steel Doors Distributors
in Gambia |
Farup Enterprise
Old Jeshwang, Kanifing Industrial Estate ...They
also sell a range of ready made coloured, security steel
doors with handles and locks on display at their Kanifing
workshop. |
Door Shop,
Kanifing Industrial Estate Layout The
company specializes in importing and selling over 100
different sizes of interior, panelled, flush, exterior
glazed and steel doors. They also import... |
House of
Welding Ltd
Kotu, Banjul area HOW
is engaged in steel fabrications such as main residential
gates, railings, security steel doors & burglar
bars (grilles).... |
M.A. Trading
53 Mamadi Manjang Highway They
also sell metal doors, wrought iron rods, zinc coated
corrugated roofing sheets and flat bars, roof tiles,
galvanized sheets, omega purlins... |
Above you will find metal door companies' information,
addresses, telephone numbers, some emails
& main locations in the Greater Banjul area of the
western coast region in West Africa. |

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