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US Tour Operators To Gambia

African Travel Seminars
A boutique tour operator based in Minnesota that focuses on Africa with trips also to Costa Rica and Brazil. Their trips emphasize learning of local culture, history, religion, photo & wildlife safari opportunities.
Alken Tours       
The US travel company does customized itineraries & escorted group tours to major African & Caribbean travel destinations like Gambia, Senegal, Ghana, Egypt, South Africa, Jamaica, Bahamas, Barbados, St. Lucia etc.
Palace Travel
A US based African tour and safari specialist whose resort destinations includes Gambia, Senegal, Ghana, Indian Ocean Islands, Mali, Benin, South Africa, Seychelles and many other destinations. Voluntourism available.
Spector Travel Boston Inc.
An American tour operator offering Roots, adventure & cultural tours of east, south & West Africa touring countries such as Benin, Cameroon, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya, South Africa & other destination resorts.

Above you will find each travel companies' background information, contact address, telephone numbers, email, website, fax & headquarters location in the USA.

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