Contact Address:
Banjul Head Office Secretariat
16th Street Fajara M Section
PO Box 4216 Bakau
Kanifing Municipality, Ksmd
The Gambia, West Africa 
Tel no: +220 4498068 / 7749631 / 9982467

Email: ci.gambia@gmail.com

Information: Conscience
International (CI) is a registered non-governmental
human rights organisation in Gambia which also focuses
on environmental, developmental and health issues. It
was formerly known as People Against Injustice and was
founded in January 2004. In late 2008 it opened affiliate
office in Sierra Leone and another in Liberia in 2011.
The CI Gambia Chapter is an activist organisation that
seeks to broaden awareness and adherence to the various
human rights
treaties and to create networks with similar international,
West African and national bodies.
Goals & Objectives: • To push for a greater
sharing of information among all entities in society
including government officials and other human rights
organisations. • To encourage strong partnerships
with like-minded institutions worldwide & locally.
• To create a resource centre for environment &
human rights stocked with periodicals, magazines, newsletters,
booklets and audio-video materials. • To carry
out fact finding missions, documentation and research
of its focus areas of interest. • To enhance
the capacity of activists engaged in human rights, health
& the environment. • To educate and inform
citizenry through seminars and workshops about their
basic human rights and obligations guaranteed by the
constitution of The Gambia and by international conventions.
• To provide information of the legal remedies
and rights of susceptible groups such as the physically
challenged, refugees, children, women and internally
displaced people. • To promote democratic values,
good governance, respect for the rule of law and statutory
protection of people's rights.
Conscience International (Gambia) has an internship
programme for human rights students and professionals
and those who have just graduated from university. Its
purpose is to provide people to gain supervised practical
experience in order to gain the essential skills to
move forward with their careers. The duration of the
placement is anywhere from 2 weeks to 1 full year.
Partners & Affiliations: • Member of The Darfur
Consortium • Member: W. Africa Refugee &
Internally Displaced Persons Network (Waripnet)
• Member: International Network for Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) • Member: NGO
Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC)
• Observer Status: African Commission on Human
and Peoples Rights of the African Union (AU)
• Partner: Special Court in Sierra Leone
and others locally and internationally.
Sierra Leone Office
Conscience International (CISL)
13A Bass Street, Off Kingherman Rd
Tel no:+23276616829
Cell: +23277200413
ci.sierraleone@gmail.com Liberia
Conscience International (CIL)
LETCOM Office Building
Corner of Benson Street & Gurley St.
West Africa
Tel no: +231 88 6-522032
88 6-821473
88 6-527866