Contact Address: 
About Africa
Banjul area &
Stowmarket, Suffolk
United Kingdom
The Gambia, West Africa
Tel no: +44 0 7927 739146 
inkingaboutafrica@gmail.com |

Inking About Africa is a UK not-for-profit charity which
working in Gambia. It was established in 2011 by Mark
Hickie and Faye McSloy to raise funds to aid schools
and children in The Gambia by recycling used ink cartridges,
toners and old cell phones and re-selling them to the

The main goal of the Inking About Africa charity is
to give children a good educational beginning in their
lives with 100% of all monies made being utilised to
help provide children with exercise books, text books,
uniforms, pens, pencils and other stationery, sports
gear, clothes, school tables and chairs and other educational
items. Whenever feasible they order these items inside
the Gambia to help in stimulating the local economy.
The scheme gives people the opportunity to help out
a charity in Gambia at no extra cost to themselves and
help reduce the amount of waste going into their local
landfills. You can even post your empty inkjet cartridges,
copier toners & old cellphones for recycling by
using their Freepost service. Inking About Africa also
accepts donations, small or large, and money raised
through fundraising activities of volunteers.
How the Scheme Works:
If you wish to donate your cartridges then the first
step is to go to their website and ask for their Freepost
envelopes or cardboard boxes. Once packed you then send
it off to the charity. They then forward it to RTF who
check the items and credit Inking About Africa for all
units that can be re-filled.
Some Past Projects:
Up to May 2013 Inking About Africa had a total of 3
projects on the go.
The first was commenced in the second half of April
and was to dig a well on an island known as Jinack for
the local English Nursery School. Prior to the well
children had to endure a lack of drinking water and
insanitary lavatory conditions putting them as risk
of contracting diseases.
The second project was for the restoration of a pre-school
in Kitty Village on the outskirts of Brikama. This project
was supervised by 'Goal For The Gambia' which is a charity
that has worked closely in the past with Inking For
The third project was financed by their first fundraiser
named Sonko. After adding the charity to the Virgin
Money Giving page he had his dreadlocks cut off and
made £400 which was donated to school in Suduwol in
the Upper River Region. The money was used to buy a
new hand pump for their water well after the old one
had broken down. The water was vital for drinking, hygiene
and watering their vegetable garden which played a vital
role in giving the children added nutrition. |