Calypso Beach Bar & Restaurant
(Cape Point) |

Contact Address: Calypso Bar & Restaurant
Cape Point
Banjul area
The Gambia
West Africa

Tel no: +220 4496292 (reservations)
Review: The
Calypso Restaurant specialises in fresh seafood cuisine
in a semi-outside setting on the beach which includes
within their garden a massive tree house for dining
in among the branches!
The dining areas outside in the garden face the ocean
and have sunshades to protect you from the mid-day sun.
The general atmosphere is quiet and peaceful with light
background music in the bar area.
One other fascinating feature of the restaurant is that
there is a natural pool just in front which contains
small crocodiles which appear to be docile.
From the Atlantic Road in Bakau turn right into Kofi
Annan Street then left down the short tarmac road from
the Ocean Bay Hotel then turn right where the road ends
and the beach starts.
Menu Overview:
Fresh seafood dishes |
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