Background Information:
The Ministry of Forestry and the Environment (MOFEN)
was created in 1976. Though it has a history in the
Gambian forestry
sector going back to just before 1939.
MOFEN is a governmental institution attached to the
President. This forestry administration is in charge
of any actions necessary to ensure the sustainable use
and protection of all forests in Gambia excluding private
In addition, it shall be responsible for co-operating
and liaising with national and international organizations
and bodies all over the world on forestry matters in
particular a national forest inventory which is supposed
to take place every ten years. The MOFEN is also supposed
to establish a management plan for each of the forest
parks. [FOREST ACT, 1988]
Responsibilities: To maintain at least 30% of
the total land area of the country under forest;
To manage at least 75% of the forest lands according
to scientific principles; To promote towards
environmental protection, particularly soil erosion
and soil desiccation; and To contribute
to employment, the provision of basic necessities such
as fuelwood supply and the generation of foreign earnings
through the export of high quality forest products.
Statement and Roles:
The mission statement is summarized as follows:
The Forestry Department, a governmental institution
attached to the Presidents Office responsible for the
conservation and development on rational basis, i.e.
a sustainable utilization, of an adequate forest cover
covering 30% of land area for the environment and socio-economic
development of present and future generations.
The basic environmental, social, economical and political
needs and problems.
The Forestry Ministry has a major role to play in answering
basic social, economical and political questions.
Forest policy periodically reviewed;
Rationales of the policy understood; Ensure
sufficient allocation of funds to the forestry sector;
Implement a strategic plan; Global
environmental concern addressed by the policy;
Adequate legislation in place; Increase
number of forestry personnel and trained staff;
Adequate forest management planning and implementation;
Proper supervision of forest activities;
Forestry research; Contribute to proper
replacement cost of forest produce; Periodical
forest inventory; Reducing frequency and
extent of bushfires through extension work;
Contribute to land-use planning; Multiple
use forestry promoted; Sustainable production
and use of forest produce; Contribute to
the promotion of an alternative source of energy.
The Forestry Ministry adopts the following approach:
Forest and forestry development through creative leadership
of the Department, wider public participation and rational
utilization of forestry resources in Gambia.
Mandates are important to identify and clarify the nature
and meaning of the imposed requirements from the Government,
both formal and informal, affecting the Department.
The mandate of the MOFEN includes the following:
Enforcing the Forest Act and Regulations
Promoting natural forest management in accordance
to the Gambian Forest Management Concept
Promoting community participation in forest development
and management Promoting the development
of plantations Educating the general public
on the values of the forests Advising Government
on forestry matters Institutionalizing forestry
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