GIEPA is the national agency responsible for promoting
and facilitating Investment, Business and Export Development
and Support to MSMEs and regulation of designated export
processing zones in The Gambia. It is a statutory body
established through an Act of Parliament under the legal
framework of The Gambia Investment Promotion Act, 2001
and The Free Zones Act, 2001.
It is an autonomous public organization, with its own
Board of Directors which includes three members from
the private sector. As the investment promotion body
of the country it is also the implementing agency of
the World Bank / Gambia Government funded Gateway Project.
It's export services includes: 
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Facilitation of Public-Private sector
dialogue for business and export development |
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Promotion of business development
initiatives through consultative engagements of
the private sector |
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Facilitation of export development
through provision of export services & assisting
companies with export potential to export ready
status |
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Provision of research & development
support |
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Promotion of local businesses during
external marketing campaigns |
The agency's main role is to provide all the necessary
information and assistance required by foreign investors
at the initial stage of establishment and thereafter,
to ensure the smooth functioning and sustainability
of such business ventures in Gambia. In appraising investment
projects, the agency works closely with all relevant
Government Ministries and Institutions. Giepa also serves
as the link between investors and all state agencies. |