Contact Address: Jiba
Meer Vakantie
PO Box 1439, Rotterdam
Email: info@jiba.nl
Tel no: + 31 0900-0802 (15ct. p/m) + 31
010-280 2121
Fax: + 010-2802245
Jiba, based in Rotterdam, is a Dutch direct seller of
holidays to Gambia. It works exclusively as an online
travel company dealing directly with their customers.
Their hotel portfolio includes among others the Kombo
Beach Hotel, (Kotu resort) Djeliba Hotel, African Village
Hotel (Kololi resort) and the Holiday Beach Club (Senegambia).
Winter Holiday Destinations: • Banjul, The
Gambia • Canary Islands (Fuerteventura, La
Palma, Lanzarote, Tenerife, ) • Portugal (Algarve,
Madeira ) • Morocco (Marrakech, Agadir)
Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday: 09.00-18.00 hours
Saturday: 10.00-17.00
Sunday: -
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