Contact Address: Mama's Restaurant
Fajara, Banjul area
Off the Atlantic Road
The Gambia
West Africa 
Tel no: +220 4497640
9929606 (reservations)

Since 1996 Mama's Restaurant have been serving authentic
European and African food within their outside restaurant
garden setting.
Menu Overview:
Buffet, Menu of the Day, Special offers, Starters, Salads,
Soups, Beef Dishes, Lamb Dishes, Pork Dishes,
Fish Dishes, Shrimps Dishes, Vegetarian Dishes, Chicken
Dishes, Spaghetti, Rösti, Fitness Plate, African Dishes,
Sandwiches and Desserts.
Located just behind the MRC on the first dirt road you
meet coming up from Kairaba Avenue.
Open 9am till late at night. |